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Special Events

2025 Economic Update with Kirk G. Willison

Courtesy of SWBC, Kirk will provide an update to the group on the economy and our real estate markets. He will share his insight and observations on the challenges the industry is facing in the current environment.

As Vice President of Government and Industry Relations for Arch MI and a mortgage finance expert with more than 25 years in government relations, Kirk leads public policy analysis and advocacy for the nation’s leading mortgage insurance company.

*Seating is Limited

CE Approved Classes
  • 1HR CE Credit |
  • Course #49611

AI in Action: Utilizing AI, ChatGPT and Chatbots

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the real estate industry by improving efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. This class covers the uses of AI in real estate, and how to apply them with ChatGPT and Chatbots. Real estate agents will learn how to utilize AI tools, prompts for tasks within ChatGPT and how to utilize Chatbots to automate tasks and responses.

  • 5HR CE Credit |
  • Course #46198

TREC Contracts - The Transaction Lifeline + Best Practices

This course’s purpose is to continue reinforcing the importance of understanding and knowing how to complete selected TREC promulgated contracts and addenda. The course briefly covers the fundamentals of contracts and concludes with in-depth discussion of contract paragraphs and addendums, including recent revisions by TREC in November 2024.

CE Approved Classes
  • 1HR CE Credit |
  • Course #50712

1031 Like-Kind Exchanges + 721 Presentation

This course covers the basics of a 1031 exchange, including: defining like-kind, exchange eligible property, understanding the different types of 1031 exchanges, and reviewing the strict rules and timelines of an exchange. Followed by a special explanation of 721 to help agents unlock new opportunities.

CE Approved Classes
  • 2HR CE Credit |
  • Course #48524

A Deep Dive into Title 101

This course will review the basics of title insurance and cover topics including the purpose of title insurance, the role of the title plant and closer, common property restrictions and encumbrances, the closing process, the closing forms, the title commitment and common title issues.

CE Approved Classes
  • 1HR CE Credit |
  • Course #45537

A Dozen Common TREC Contract Problems

Learn to avoid, prevent, or solve common problems when they arise. Keep your clients happy, and your closing on time.

CE Approved Classes
  • 1HR CE Credit |
  • Course #46167

Addendums to the TREC Contract: In-Depth

An in-depth view of the various sections of the current TREC promulgated contract addendums.

CE Approved Classes
  • 3HR CE Credit |
  • Course #44602

A Guide for Realtors in Reverse Mortgages

This course explores the uses of a Reverse Mortgage for persons age 62 and older to facilitate the purchase of a new home. Understanding the Reverse Mortgage option can help increase your sales to an increasingly growing Senior population in Central Texas. Also covered will be the use of current equity to purchase second homes and investment properties. Learn how to use equity to promote Housing Wealth.

AI in Real Estate

The real estate industry is undergoing a transformative journey with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). As AI becomes an undeniable force, real estate agents now have a wide range of AI tools to help in managing and marketing themselves and their real estate business.

Independent Certifications & Awards