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CE Approved Classes
  • 3HR CE Credit |

It's Your Compensation, Forms, & Other Agency Items

It’s Just YOUR Compensation is hot off the press after NAR’s settlement agreement in the Sitzer-Burnett’s class-action lawsuit. Beginning August 13th locally, while our roles might not have changed, how real estate licenses practice their business with customers, clients, and other licensees will. This in-depth seminar discusses agency, new employment agreements, and ethics ramifications due to the changes. This course is not a discussion of rates or fees but an explanation of the various modifications to paragraphs in the agreements, their impact, and meaning for clients or customers to understand to make their best decisions.

CE Approved Classes
  • 1HR CE Credit |
  • Course #48533

Common Title Issues and How to Cure Them

The realtor who attends this course will learn what to do when unusual requirements appear on the title commitment. They will learn why the requirement appears, what must be done to clear it, and how to lead their clients when working on complex issues. Realtors will learn how to deal with a deceased owner in title, divorced or divorcing sellers, federal tax liens, abstracts of judgment, foreign sellers, lawsuits and mechanic’s liens.

CE Approved Classes
  • 3HR CE Credit |
  • Course #49333

Subletting in Texas: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

This three-hour course is designed to give the real estate licensee an overview of subletting commercial and residential space in Texas. As the post-pandemic office building market is devasted across the state due to business practices and cultural changes, office building management and landlord/tenant brokerage are the new crisis areas. In this changing commercial and residential marketplace, nothing could be more relevant for the license holder than to understand subletting. Subletting is expected to increase, especially in the soon-to-be or maybe even likely over-built hi-rise residential market. Not only will the course teach the license holder the best ethical and practical practices involving subletting issues and real estate brokerage, but it will also bring the student up to date on the major issues in this new, current, and important segment of real estate brokerage. The knowledge gained by the students from this course will better educate them so they can better serve the public.

CE Approved Classes
  • 1HR CE Credit |
  • Course #44282

Realtors Guide to Paint & Stain

Exploring the common yet often challenging subject of selecting paint colors & stains for a home with resale in mind. This class provides instructions for placement and selection of sheens for the interior and exterior plus a handful of dependable neutrals and trending colors.

CE Approved Classes
  • 2HR CE Credit |
  • Course #46242

Matrix Analytics & Reporting

Become an expert in the market areas through the analytics and reporting options provided by Matrix. This class will introduce you to the powerful Matrix tools that are designed to assist you in becoming an expert in your favorite market areas, creating trend reports and charts that can be used for marketing purposes, and exporting raw data for further manipulation. We also cover the appraiser 1004 MC, a very essential tool that gives you the Months of Inventory, Absorption Rates based on neighborhood, zip or custom area.

CE Approved Classes
  • 2HR CE Credit |
  • Course #43467 & 43736

Online Notarization in Texas + Business Entities

Learn about the new trend of paperless closings. This course will discuss how online or remote notarization came about in Texas and the Laws governing its use.

Join us for a discussion of all the different types of business entities and instructions on what is required before closing, who needs to sign, any special requirements and much more.

CE Approved Classes
  • 1HR CE Credit |
  • Course #43967

Understanding Easements

This course will discuss various types of easements, including: Utility, Building lines, setbacks as shown on survey, Right of Way, benefits and burdens to the persons giving and receiving the easement of right of way. Examples of paperwork will be shown.

CE Approved Classes
  • 2HR CE Credit |
  • Course #42427 & 45337

Red Flags in Real Estate Transactions + Contract Critical Dates

Find out the red flags (and what you can do to prevent them) that may come up prior to closing that could potentially become a "show stopper" and delay your closing.

This course will discuss the importance of critical dates and deadlines.

CE Approved Classes
  • 3HR CE Credit |
  • Course #44277

Architecture for Agents

Imagine having more insight and verbiage to use when describing your listings?! This class studies current architectural elements and popular styles that define today's eclectic style of architecture.

Independent Certifications & Awards